Agronomic Efficacy and Practicability
VSF Agro has been accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) since 05/21/2020. In this way, we are able to conduct agronomic efficiency tests of agrochemicals, according to Normative Instructions nº 36 of 2009 and nº 42 of 2011.
We support your project throughout the research process, through support in exploratory studies and also in official reports for registration purposes.
Chemical (GLP) residue services
We have the Good Laboratory Practices Certification (GLP), granted by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) for the execution of the field phase of chemical BPL studies. In addition, VSF Agro carries out, in partnership with certified companies, the other phases.
We also have a team of Study Directors widely qualified to work in the field, processing e analysis.
We also provide agronomic consulting services in addition to the calibration of agricultural sprayers. For more information, contact us.
We have a multidisciplinary team that is prepared to work in different areas of agronomic research.
A pioneer in the region, VSF Agro started its activities on May 22, 2019 in Petrolina, in the Brazilian Northeast, more precisely in the São Francisco Valley, one of the largest fruit producing and exporting regions in Brazil.
The company operates in the area of agronomic research and emerged from the experience of one of the partners. Currently VSF Agro is accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) by Ordinance 115 of 05/21/2020, Official Federal Gazette of 05/22/2020, and, therefore, is able to carry out research with pesticides and the like and for the issuance of technical reports on agronomic efficiency and feasibility.
Our team is made up of a multidisciplinary team of employees that includes agronomists, masters, agricultural technicians, as well as administrative professionals.
Get in touch using the form below and we'll get back to you shortly.
São Francisco Valley Headquarters
Lot 101, N-4, Senator Nilo Coelho Irrigated Project. Petrolina - PE CEP: 56300-000
For questions and comments, send an email to: or contact us directly via whatsapp below.
Whatsapp: +55 (87) 99912.8473